Shades of my LANDSCAPES

Hook Up on Tinder
February 6, 2023

As an artist, I feel that I’m just a work in progress, and there is always something to learn. I don’t set out to produce art about one subject or another. I have been a great lover for Abstract and Landscape painting. I consider a painting most successful when the viewers are struck by a strong visual aesthetic- such as shape or colour, before they recognize the subject.

I love the surprising natural sense of balance, design and endless subject matter found in landscapes. The line, the abstract space and bright colour are what interest me the most. I want the viewer to be excited by textures, colours and contrasts in my painting. My work is inspired by the natural world with the expressive power of colour and the physical process of layering paint and different mediums on canvas.



  “ Red cherry Blossom Tree”

Acrylic and Mixed Media on Canvas , 24″ x 24″ 2012


I strive to depict the beauty and colour of our natural world infused with the multidimensional reality of light and shade.Exploring and collecting material for paintings is a great adventure for me, So, I work on a multi-layered rendering,in my landscape series. My Landscapes are created in acrylic, mixed media, and digitally. I enjoy the unpredictability of working over textured surfaces. I work in any or all of these media simultaneously and become absorbed by whichever medium and style I am currently using on my art work .

I hope each and every viewer sees and takes something a little different from my landscapes work and has an experience rather than just be viewing a picture.


Blooming Blossom Tree ”

Acrylic and Mixed Media on Canvas , 18″ x 18″ 2014

I prefer to work with Arrylics as they are a flexible medium to use and dry out faster.  It is great start to learn about colour mixing and handling paint, a lot of other techniques with Acrylics. Acrylics can be used both thick, impasto paintings style and it can also be used in thin coat to give a watercolour effort. Acrylics dont fade with time, the look of the paint remains the same for years.

Arylics can be well used to paint crisp edges in a graphic composition. Masking out areas, covering shapes with thick paint and mixingbright colours can be very easily achieved with Acrylics.

I work with Acrylic with an approach to depict the beauty and colour infused with the multidimensional reality of light and shade. I work on a multi-layered rendering, in my works using acrylics as I enjoy the unpredictability of working over textured surfaces.